Samsung has just announced that it will be launching a new update for the SmartThings app integrated with Galaxy Watch. This update will bring new support for smart home devices and a new feature of live camera streaming that will make the user experience of Galaxy Watch more complete.
More Smart Home Control
In this update, Samsung will be adding support for smart home devices such as air purifiers, thermostats, and blinds. This will make it easier for users to control smart home devices from a distance using only their Galaxy Watch. Users can set room temperature, control lights and adjust the height of the blinds without having to touch the smart home device itself.
Live Camera Streaming Feature
In addition to support for smart home devices, Samsung is also adding a new feature of live camera streaming from Amazon Ring and Google Nest cameras. This will allow users to view live cameras from Nest or Ring cameras directly from their wrist. Users can also make two-way voice calls with Ring cameras. Both features can be easily accessed by swiping the screen from the watch.
This feature is extremely useful for users who want to stay connected to their homes and can monitor their home condition from a distance. This feature is also very useful for home security as users can see what is happening in their home and take action if necessary.
Availability of the Update
It is currently not known exactly when this update will be available to consumers. However, it is expected to be available soon so that users can immediately experience the benefits of this update.
Samsung's new update for Galaxy Watch and SmartThings will bring new support for smart home devices and live camera streaming feature which will make the user experience of Galaxy Watch more complete. These features will make it easier for users to control smart home devices from a distance and monitor their home condition from a distance. Although it is currently not known exactly when this update will be available to consumers, but it is expected to be available soon. Samsung continues to innovate in improving the smart home ecosystem and integrating with other devices such as Galaxy Watch.
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